Monday, 27 January 2025

Epiphany: NDE: Anita Moorjani

Anita Moorjani, a best-selling author and speaker

Anita Moorjani, had a near-death experience (NDE) in 2006 while suffering from terminal cancer. During this experience, she encountered a divine presence and felt an overwhelming sense of love and understanding. This profound epiphany led to her miraculous recovery and a complete transformation in her outlook on life.

The following are some extracts from her online account of her NDE. The full story can be read here:

Anita's Account from her website

On the morning of February 2, 2006, after four heart-wrenching years with cancer, my body had finally had enough and I went into a coma.

As my husband rushed me to the hospital, the world around me started to appear surreal and dreamlike, and I could feel myself slip further and further from consciousness.

The moment I arrived and the oncologist saw me, her face visibly filled with shock. “Your wife’s heart may still be beating,” she told Danny, “but she’s not really there. It’s too late to save her. 

I watched as Danny’s face filled with anguish, and I wanted to cry out to him, It’s okay, darling—I’m okay! Please don’t worry. Don’t listen to the doctor. I actually feel great! But I couldn’t. No words came out. No sound. Danny couldn’t hear me.

In this near-death state, I was more acutely aware of all that was going on around me than I’d ever been in a normal physical state. I wasn’t using my five biological senses, yet I was keenly taking everything in. It was as though another, completely different type of perception kicked in, and I seemed to encompass everything that was happening, as though I was slowly merging with it all.

I continued to sense myself expanding farther and farther outward, drawing away from my physical surroundings. It was as though I were no longer restricted by the confines of space and time, and I continued to spread myself out to occupy a greater expanse of consciousness. I simultaneously experienced a sense of joy mixed with a generous sprinkling of jubilation and happiness.

I felt all my emotional attachments to my loved ones and my surroundings slowly fall away. What I can only describe as superb and glorious unconditional love surrounded me, wrapping me tight as I continued to let go.

The feeling of complete, unconditional love was unlike anything I’d known before. It was totally undiscriminating, as if I didn’t have to do anything to deserve it, nor did I need to prove myself to earn it.

To my amazement, I became aware of the presence of my father, who’d died ten years earlier. 

I also recognized the essence of my best friend, Soni, who’d died of cancer three years prior. I seemed to know that they’d both been present with me long before I became aware of them, all through my illness.

I was aware of other beings around me. I didn’t recognize them, but I knew they loved me very much and were protecting me. I realized that they, too, had been with me all this time, surrounding me with love, even when I wasn’t conscious of it.

My heightened awareness and feelings of unconditional love in that expanded realm were indescribable, despite my best efforts to explain them.

Why do I suddenly understand all this? I wanted to know. Who’s giving me this information? Is it God? Krishna? Buddha? Jesus?

And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn’t a being, but a state of being... and I was now in that state of being.


NDE's are controversial. What are we to make of them? Wise words from Albert Einstein:

“A man should look for what is, and not what he thinks should be.”

How we see and understand the world is controlled by our brain.The human brain has about 86 billion neurons. Each of those neurons can have thousands of connections, making our brains incredibly complex. 

"We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are" (Talmud)

Not suprisingly there is no definitive scientific explanation for NDE's. Medics and psychologists have theories about what the science might be behind NDE's but by their nature repeat experiments are impossible. So it's difficult to follow Einstein's dictum in these cases.

Some NDE's are not positive and can be accompanied by fear.

Those who experience a positive NDE, and there are thousands who do, will need no convincing. The rest of us must choose whether these are evidence of an after-life or simply our brain doing it's own thing.

The NDE Researech Foundation website is a database of over 5000 reported NDE's

Study of 1000 NDE's here Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Their Reality

Conclusion from this study

The combination of the preceding nine lines of evidence converges on the conclusion that near-death experiences are medically inexplicable. Any one or several of the nine lines of evidence would likely be reasonably convincing to many, but the combination of all of the presented nine lines of evidence provides powerful evidence that NDEs are, in a word, real.


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